Massive hard wallet supplying firm, ledger is recently introduced a new wallet named Nano S Plus, that is favored towards non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Global hard wallet supplier, Ledger has now shined a brand-new wallet named, Nano S Plus which is specially geared towards providing NFT Collectors the features and security they require to store their precious assets and perform secure transactions. Last month, Ledger released a limited edition of this new hard wallet, selling around 10,000 wallets in a pre-order scheme, each with a price tag of $79. Comparing this to previous wallets operating, Nano S Plus is the sixth hard wallet made by ledger so far.

Next Gen Wallet

The Nano S Plus is designed in such a way that it will bring multiple new next generation of features which will specially facilitate NFT traders in their trading activities. The main technological highlight presented by Ledger with the Nano S Plus is the new “Clear Signing” tech, with which ledger claims that it ensures top-level safety, transparency and security for Web3 users worldwide. However, this is not the first time that ledger wallet has brought support for NFT management functions.

Clear Signing

Chief Experience Offer at Ledger, Ian Rogers stated that the company’s new digital application named, Ledger Live will give priority to NFT trading, giving users the ability to see their NFTs Live, while also letting them perform secure transactions using “clear signing”. Ian continued, saying that this new technology is focused on complete transparency of transactions, providing every single necessary detail of the transaction performed, removing the risk of dangerous and unlawful transactions.

Chief Tech Officer, Charles Guillemet has been spreading awareness about the risk of blind signatures, referring to the massive phishing attack that happened on NFT trading platform, OpenSea about 2 months ago.

Ledger’s Presence in the Market

Ledger has been known for their impressively secure series of hard wallets that have helped many collectors and traders from around the world to have peace in mind while storing and transacting with digital assets. Ledge has gained the reputation of becoming the largest suppliers of crypto hard wallets.  The company’s first ever wallet called HW1 entered the market back in 2016, with the previous named Ledger Nano X released about three years ago.

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