Binance.US recently announced that the HNT trading pairs would be taken off the site as part of the upcoming switch from Helium to Solana. As a result, the Helium Foundation strongly suggests that Binance.US customers either take control of one’s HNT holdings by using the Helium Wallet program or move their HNT holdings to one of the more than 20 other exchanges that now allow HNT trading pairs.

Helium’s move compares to the PoS transition

According to their press release, this change is significant because the move of Helium to Solana is a first for the industry and is similar to Ethereum’s change from proof of work to proof of stake. Over the past few months, the Helium Foundation is said to have worked closely with crucial development teams from the Helium and Solana communities and the Solana Foundation to ensure that the migration goes smoothly and on time.

Even though the Helium Foundation is disappointed by Binance. US’s decision to remove the HNT trading pairs can understand why the exchange has taken its position. The Helium Foundation encourages customers to take steps to protect the value of their HNT holdings and lessen the adverse effects that will come from the delisting.

The Helium Foundation has said it will keep in close contact with Binance.US to teach for change about the network’s main projects and how it plans to grow.

Safety is key 

However, experts in the industry say that all of the industry’s stakeholders need to be aware of the changes happening and do what they can to keep their assets safe and secure as the industry continues to change. 

The Helium Foundation is still committed to ensuring that everyone in the ecosystem has a smooth and successful transition when the Helium network moves to Solana soon. This promise will stay in place even after Solana takes over the Helium network.

In conclusion, everyone in the Helium community is excited and looking forward to the move. With the help of the Upgrade Readiness Working Group, the Solana Foundation, and several ecosystem projects, such as Clockwork, Helius, Jupiter Aggregator, Metaplex, Pyth, Sec3, Squads, and Switchboard, the Helium Wallet tool will soon support native subDAO token restitution and other system integration within Solana DeFi systems. This will open up more decentralized trading venues for HNT.

The future of Helium and its ecosystem is looking better than ever, and people are excited to see what comes next.

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