The total number of citizens from the United States who intend to utilize cryptocurrency for payments in the current year will be elevated to nearly 3.6M, as per a research platform. A report issued on the behalf of Insider Intelligence indicates that the value of cryptocurrency as a payment means will reach new heights of up to 70% in 2022. The company anticipates that till this year’s denouement, 3.6M from the U.S. adults is expected to utilize crypto for recompensing payments.

As per David Morris – the chief analyst of the firm –the volatility of the cryptocurrency is gradually being eliminated as the stablecoin utilization is witnessing some growth. With the development in the CBDCs, additional focus will be given to crypto as a payment means. He added that additional crypto choices will expectedly be layered into the payment options offered to the consumers, such as digital wallets and cards.

The respective aspects should mount the growth in the crypto payment rates during some of the coming years. Apart from this, the company anticipates that by this year’s end, the U.S.-based adults having the status of crypto customers will witness an increase in their number to nearly 37.2M. The respective figures are considerably decreased from the former assertions of crypto ownership across the United States, touching 46M in the last year.

In the meantime, a survey was carried out on the behalf of Gemini (a prominent crypto exchange) that highlighted that the latest crypto investors almost reached double the figure of the previous ones in Hong Kong, Brazil, as well as India in 2021. Up to 50% of the participants of the survey out of the respective nations pointed out that they initiated their crypto investments in the previous year.

Arcane Research, in collaboration with Ernst & Young, organized a poll to find out the ownership of crypto assets among the women from Norway. The poll provided the result that the respective crypto ownership has also climbed to double the previous amount thereof, jumping from almost 3% (as of the last year) to 6% (as of 2022). On the contrary, it was also brought to the front by the very study that the male ownership of the cryptocurrency additionally surged from 2019’s 6% to 2022’s 14%.

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